Happy Hug Day 2011 Wishes, Hug Day SMS, Messages, Hug Day Wallpapers, Greetings

Friday, February 4, 2011
Valentine Hug Day on 13th February 2011. Hug Day SMS, Hug Day Messages, Hug Day Wishes, Hug Day Wallpapers and Hug Day Greetings Cards send to your dear friends

Hug Day SMS:

My sweetest memory- ur msg
My biggest sadness-The distance
My biggest hope-i wil HUG you soon
My strongest prayer relation continues forever.

Tonight I ask the stars above,
How I’ll ever win ur Hug Day,
What do I do,What do I say,
2 turn ur angel eyes my way

Do you know,
There is one gift which can’t be given
without taking it back,
That is why I give you hug
which can’t be giving without taking it back.
Happy Hug Day!

Hug Day is not how long u've been together,
Not how much u've given or receive,
Not how many times u've helped each other,
It's how u value each other

Happy Hug Day!!