I had the honour to be a judge at Babylon's firt ever Face Of Babylon Competition!
I was truly pleased at the well organised event and the support for the communtiy was incredible!
what I loved about it the most was the fact that they did not lable it a "Mr or Ms" Babylon. This left room for a variety of entrants, something far more appropriate and suited for members of the Rainbow Flag!The entertainment was provided by some of Joburg (and definately SA's) BEST drag artists and truly made the event even more worth while attending (not a lot of extroadinary acts out there anymore, but these girl had the crowd eating out of their hands).

But the man (in this case) of the hour was no other than Andre J. Smith, a 23 year old guy with more to him than meets the eye! From the word "GO" he had the adience cheering away and ater hearing his introduction speech, i could see this man meant bussiness! Needless to say, he walked off with not just the title of FACE OF BABYLON, but also with Best Personality as well as Best Dressed. He truly fulfilled ALL those roles and suffice to say, I made him swear on his grave that he would enter Mr Gay South Africa 2010-lol!