World Environment Day 2010
WED 2010 News to you. Last year was the first time I’d ever heard of it myself. It actually commemorates the day the United Nations General Assembly established its first global effort aimed at protecting the environment in 1972. It’s meant to bring worldwide awareness to the environment, enhance political attention and bring action for future generations.
This year’s theme is “Many Species. One Planet. One Future” and will celebrate the incredible diversity of life on Earth as part of the 2010 International Year of Biodiversity. Seems a bit ironic considering we’re into day 46 of the tragic and catastrophic oil spill in our Gulf, doesn’t it? The pessimistic side of me would say that it’s more like “Destroying Species. One Corporation. Devastated Future”, but the optimistic side of me keeps hoping that changes will come and there will be lessons learned so this is never, ever, allowed to happen again.
For today, I will push the soapbox aside and just invite you to join me in celebrating this planet and our environment. WED has a list of things you can do, from A to Z, to make a change and make a difference. (Actually, the list ends at W… go figure… but there are still plenty of things you can do!)
Despite everything happening that is completely out of our control, don’t be discouraged. While we can’t control many things in our world, we can certainly control what happens in our own little corner of it!
Happy World Environment Day… we do live in quite a remarkable world.
Article Source: http://www.momgoesgreen.com/june-5-is-world-environment-day-2010/