As most of you are aware of by now Babylon is hosting its first ever Pageant-The face Of Babylon.
As always Babylon promises to make it into a spectacular event not to be missed. As Monday being a public Holliday, Babylon will open its doors on Sunday the 8th of August to host this grand affair. We are looking for that unique individual that has a positive, fresh and funky style to them, whether it is looks or personality wise that would be an ambassador to the club!
Usually a club that hosts such a pageant chooses a Mr and a Miss Title holder to represent their club. We wanted to do it a bit different and decided to call it the FACE OF BABYLON.
So if you are interested in entering the Face of Babylon then please go to the Babylon Group page on Facebook and fill in the Entry form and send your photo’s to Graham. Or you could also fill in the Entry form at Babylon on Saturday night and drop of your Photo’s there. If you should require any more info regarding this pageant then please feel free to contact us on our Facebook group.
So time is running out, get those photo’s taken and send them to us ASAP.There are some great prizes in store for the lucky winner of this Competition, such as a fabulous boat cruise for two, a R5000 cash prize and also a variety of vouchers. So if you always wanted to be royalty and be in the spotlight, then I suggest you get your gay self moving and enter. Even if you have never done something like this before, take a chance and enter. You never know-you might just be Gay SA’s Face of Babylon!
To all our loyal patrons please come and support us on the 8th Of August as we will need your opinion in choosing the right person to represent YOU at Babylon. Hope to see you all there.
Remember Babylon-We will rock you.