Thursday, August 5, 2010
Ok, so for those of you who were wondering what the whole 'Solar Flares and such 'heading was about, i was just thinking maybe the Solar Flare had something to do with it.

Back to the Quick Question:

I recently spoke to a lady about the idea of one day wanting Children of my own. She replied with the question: "Do you think its right, I mean for Gay Couples to have kids?" I responded by asking her what she meant by that question? She said that she knows a gay couple who's kids are in the same school as her grand children, and that these kids are constantly being teased because their parents are 'diferent' that the others and she didnt feel that it was fair on the kids to be put through such issues.

So, this weeks poll is this (and im going to post the very word she asked me): IS IT FAIR ON THE KIDS TO HAVE GAY PARENTS?

Go and make your mark, and please feel free to post your own opinions on my blog. I would really love to hear both sides of the story. Especially from gay couples who do have kids.

till lata
