Monday, December 21, 2009 at 1:14 PMHey there folks!
so here is my weekly update for you guys and gals to read and comment on!
It once again made me proud to be a gay man today when i read the article about Welsh Rugby Hero Gareth Thomas who came out recently to the public. In a sport that is still pretty much stuck in old beliefs and mind sets, it is not easy to say 'hey there guys, i am gay!'. lets face it, we dont imagine the average rugby player to be gay, do we?
But for this man it was a moment in life which, as for so many of us, brought him relief- now being able to simply BE who he is, and at the same time worry- not knowing what the world might think! Yet he took that step and came out!
"Ive been through all sorts of emotions with this, tears, anger and absolute despair. I wasnt sure if I ever wanted people to know and, to be honest, I feel anxious about peoples reactions and the effect it might have on my family. i dnt want to be knows as a gay rugby player. I am a rugby player first and foremost. I AM A MAN. I just happen to be gay. Its irrelevant. What i do when i close the door at home has nothing to do with what i have acheived".
What was equally as incredible was the response he got from the community and fellow sportsmen in support for his descision to come out!
'Its very brave of him. Ive been there myself, so I know how hard it is, but as a player I think its probably even more difficult. He's made it easier for the next guy now; this is breaking new ground!!"-Referee Nigel Owens
I applaude you Gareth Thomas for taking such a BRAVE step and for standing up for who you are! I applaude you for breaking new ground and for opening the door so that other sportsmen and women can also take that step and just BE!
I echo your words:
Monday, December 14, 2009 at 12:50 PMWell, if week one was somewhat of a foretaste to what life as Mr Gay South Africa was going to be like, I tell you week two just topped it!
This was another week filled with media interviews and response from the public about Mr Gay South Africa, the pageant and such. With mixed opinions from everybody yet a general consensus that two weeks into my year, we have already been breaking down barriers and challenging mindsets and building a bridge. Let me explain why I say so…
Im sure by now you have all either read, or heard of the article in the Times regarding the nude shoots I did a while back. Well I tell you the response from that was astounding! I was so surprised at the diversity of the opinions. It made me realise just once again how incredible it is to live in SA. In my interview I did on Radio 702/ 567 Cape Talk (which btw was heard even in GREECE), I said that we had not come this far in SA for only one opinion to count. That is exactly what we have fought against in this country! As long as it is an opinion, and not something forced onto others, right. It seems like so far we have challenge mindsets, and got people thinking and talking about issues which are important to them, and let me tell you EVERY OPINION COUNTS, no matter what it is. But I am happy to say that most of the response has been positive, and also form both the gay and straight communities-there's that bridge! I really like to hear what you guys and girls have to say regarding things which are important to you! This is why I am here!
As my heading says, it’s been a challenge to get used to a new sense of ‘normality’. Seeing my face in publications such as the Pink Tongue, the People Magazine (nogal!), on websites and blogs etc, is rather weird! More so is getting used to being called ‘Mr Gay South Africa’ whenever people announce you to a crowd! For a split second I kind of look around wondering ‘mmm.,.who is it, who is it!’ only to hear my name! lol. But to me, im still me. Im still the Charl that my friends have known for so long. I’m still the Charl that serves you coffee in the morning at CafĂ© Manhattan! I’m till the same Charl, but with a greater responsibility to the community which he serves.
Also, some exciting news is that we launched Cape Town Pride this week at the lovely Adam and Eve lounge! I tell you its going to be a blast. With such a dedicated team of volunteers working on it, how can it not be! As much as it’s about celebration and parties, it’s also about creating social conscience within the greater community of Cape Town. I am Gay, and I am Proud of it! It is opportunities like these which set us apart form other countries in Africa where being gay can get you killed! (thinking of Uganda-even though that bill is not passed, the threat is still there). As someone said the other day, we in South Africa form the minority in Africa concerning human rights. We should be proud of being South Africans, and being FREELY GAY in it! This is how social consciousness is created, and this is how we change the world!
So what’s happening in the following week?
Well it remains to be seen I guess. I do know that I will be interviewed by a French journalist on Tuesday, so who knows where that will be published!!! Also ill be working on a small charity benefit and hope to have it sorted by the end of this week! Will keep you all posted!
But for now, I say cheers.
Have an awesome week folks! Catch you later!
at 11:42 AMIt’s been a week since the crowning of Mr Gay South Africa, and I must say, it has been a pretty hectic week!!! I would have liked to send out this letter sooner but I have been kept busy from the word go with trying to fall back into the swing of things in Cape Town, and also to get used to my ‘new sense of normality’. This is the first time I have actually had time to really sit down and think about the past few weeks and months. WHAT AN AMAZING EXPERIENCE!!!!
From the time we set our feet in Durban, all still pretty much ‘strangers’ to each other, but it took a nice meal and some socializing at @L’s in Ramsgate to quickly stir up a sense of brotherhood among us, thanks to Jaco and his crew over there! You guys ROCK!!! And Bennie, what a breath taking place you have…thanks for putting us up for the night! I think the only bad thing was having to wake up at 5am in the morning to make the trip back to Durban to board the Sinfonia-lol. There was definitely a sense of excitement despite the puffy eyes and yawns along the way and as we made our way to Durban I found myself thinking about just what we were about to embark on and I knew that this was going to be something special.
For four days we were pressed, and pushed beyond what most of us though we were capable of with a great choreographer Gerrit, and his assistant Jarrod, who took us through each step of the way with a stern hand, yet always with the utmost respect. Gerrit, I can still hear your words…..5 6 7 8 and 1 2 3…..! I love you man!!!! We had a great team looking after us and Peter (or mammie as he became known) it is not easy keeping 15 guys in line and at every venue when they needed to be…so BIG praise to you!!!! I look forward to working with you guys again!!!
So suffice to say, after a week of rehearsals and photo shoots (Duy and Nico……what an incredible team you make…thanks for making us all look awesome despite the bags and tiredness which often was rather obvious-lol!) we finally disembarked and headed off to the Airport. We arrived in Jozi and went straight from OR Thambo to the State Theatre to start rehearsals on the REAL stage. There we were met with the other members of the production, Anne Williams, Dame Judy Page, Jason Greer our stage manager Vanessa, and of course our Director of Operations, Juan Lerm, to name but a few! After another LONG day of rehearsals we finally got home at 23:00 and needless to say we all made a bee-line for our rooms and hopped into bed to catch up on some much needed sleep. The next morning was all systems go again and we got to the State Theatre at 9am! After we all had a go at getting an instant Caribbean tan, we were ready for dress rehearsals….well at least those who were not still sticky from the spray-on tan…lol…
The evening was something I will never forget. From the very first moment we made our appearance on stage to the end I had goose bumps (Jan, I know you know what I mean!) and I could not help BUT smile from ear to ear at the incredible turnout of over 1000 people! With compliments still going around at how incredible the show was, I can not help but feel honoured to say that I was apart of it!
Once again, what a great team to have been privileged, to work with. We ALL made it happen, and we all became a family, standing for one purpose.
Thank you to all the sponsors, the behind the scenes people (you truly were the backbone of the operation) the in front of the scenes people, the designers, choreographers, entertainers, and everybody who had a role in making this projects such a great success! THANK YOU ONCE AGAIN!
So what now?
Well, the work only begins now! The glitz and glam are over and its time to get busy! With a few projects in mind, ill try and keep you all updated about what will be happening this year, where ill be and when ill be there!
So for now, I wish you all well and see you around!
Thursday, November 19, 2009 at 2:19 PMI can not help the feeling of wanting to jump out of my skin. This is the first time I'll be leaving African soil so needless to say i am rather excited! What's more is that I have the honour of taking part in a National Competition, The Mr Gay Sout Africa Competition and I am proud to be a part of this prestigious event!
It has been a journey and a half I tell you! its taken dedication and at times having to keep myself grounded. Thank God for the Friends around me and my Boy who reminds me of who I am and that iIshould always stay true to myself and simply BE myself. Thanks to all of you!
T have been challenged these past three month far further than what I ever could have imagined and my hope is that when I look back at this, that I would have grown in maturity and integrity!
So iIwil try and keep all of you posted on the events as they unfold. I'm not sure how things on the ship will work in terms of communication, but I will try!
I say cheers for now, and will see you at the finish line. For those of you who will be in Jozi for the comp, I see you there, and for those who will not, I'll see you around!
Love and God bless
Sunday, November 15, 2009 at 12:26 PMAll I can say is that I can't believe how fast 3 months have gone by, from that Saturday afternoon at the Cape Town Regional till now. It has been an amazing journey and something I know I will always remember. Up to know I have learnt more about myself than I think I ever have. I have realised my potential as a human being to be able to make a difference in my community and have also come to realise that I CAN do anything I put my mind to!
Looking back I am glad I entered this year’s competition. I knew that the bar had been raised and that it was definitely going to be a challenge to take up! And boy has it been a challenge so far!!!! But I love challenges as it always pushes me to grow and mature into a better human being!!
This is the final week of preparations and getting everything ready before I fly to Dbn and embark on the cruise! I really want to thank all of you whom have supported me throughout this competition and I promise to make you guys proud! Like I said right at the beginning, this is not just for me. But for you!!!
I do believe that I can be the next representative of the LGBT. Someone who can take it to the world and be that bridge, so that WE can bring a better understanding to those who might not fully understand what it means to be gay! I stand for every one of you and will do my best to represent you in the best way possible....by simply being WHO I AM and showing the world that it IS after all 'normal' to be gay. That it is not a sickness, disease, disposition or any of the 'concepts' or prejudices that people might have about it!!
In the end we all strive to live in this world and we all have a place under the sun to live a life free from judgement and condemnation. We are ALL made up of the same matter, we all breathe air, and we all eat, sleep, laugh and cry. With sooo much in common, why should there be a divide, right?
So here is to each and every guy and girl out there! Thanks for the continued support. I will be sure to hold that banner high and be the guy whom you all believe I can be!
(I will be thinking about you all as we cruise to Mozambique and the lovely Portuguese Island...sipping on a cocktail...enjoying the midnight feast...sandy beaches...sunny weather......you get the pic...lol)
Till later
Wednesday, October 28, 2009 at 2:14 PMfirstly i have to apologise for being sooo very quiet in posting on my blog!
but i n my defence, i have to say it has not been because i have been doing nothing. lol
this month has bee REALLY hectic as i have been busy with arrangements for my charity benefit i am doing for HEALTH4MEN. it has been such an exciting time for me and not to mention a HUGE learning curve in ALL aspects!
i have been amazed at the willingness of people to be involved in charity. they really DO want to give or help, but don't always know where and how.
let me tell you all one thing...this event promises to be BIG!
BIG artists, BIG prizes...and an even BIGGER CAUSE!!!!
so it is with great delight that i can say, i am pretty much done with the arrangements and it is now all systems go for this thing!! tickets have already been bought, and is still being bought....as we speak...lol...and i am excited to see all of you there!!
further more i am just humbled at what this experience has taught me....and i keep asking myself...."who am i that i should be so fortunate to be involved in this? (and i am talking about both the charity benefit and also the competition). the directors have really gone out of their way to make this an event to be remembered and to create opportunities for us as contestants to grab it and make something of it!!!
and so we shall, hey guys????
so yea, i have posted some interesting things for you guys to read about concerning the grand finale, so go check it out!!
next week ill be in Jozi for a day to do a shoot for the new calender....featuring the hottest gay guys in SA.....yep US!!!! lol
then I'm back in Cpt to welcome all you lovely people to THE CHARL VAN DEN BERG/HEALTH4MEN CHARITY BENEFIT, held at the new funky ADAM AND EVE LOUNGE!
so don't delay, get those tickets and don't loose out. there were also be some of the other contestants from the comp there if you want to meet them!!
anyways...gotta dash!!
at 1:05 PMThe Grand Finale
It’s been a glorious year, traveling throughout South Africa to find the countries “ultimate gay men” for 2009 and how proud are we with the finalists for this year. Sixteen great human beings; and the time has now come to choose a winner, the deserving guy who will be representing the entire LGBTI community for 2010.
Come and experience an evening of glitz, glam, gorgeous men, fabulous guests combined with a show that will make the gay community proud. Here is just a glimpse of the evening’s proceedings:
Venue : The Opera House, State Theatre, Pretoria
Date : 28 November 2009
Time : Doors open at 19.00, show starts at 20.00
Director : Anne Williams – Celebrated Director
Entertainment : Timothy Moloi – the sensational Crooner
: Judy Page – the renowned songstress and “Queen of the Extravaganza stage”
Your hosts : Jason Greer – TV Personality will be the MC (this one’s for the girls!)
: Miss Cathy Specific – Your (Air) Hostess “In Charge”
Guest Designer 2009 : Perow by Boncou – new men’s lable by well-known designer Peter Bondesio
Further more : A surprise or two awaits you the audience on the night
Winners trophy : A bronze sculpture specially made by famous sculptor: Manie Connoway
The Stars :16 gorgeous gay men from around SA
The Film Crew : Nico Steyn of the God Company
Dress : Smart Darling! Very smart
Entrance : R100 (Balcony), R150 (stalls) and R200 (VIP area)
Ticket sales :Computicket http://www.computicket.com/web/event/mr_gay_south_africa/52122810
Finalists & SMS voting: http://www.mrgaysouthafrica.co.za/contestants.html
Cash bar : Available
After-party : Legends Night Club (just off Brooklyn Circle) – Voted Best Gay Club in SA –
FREE ENTRY (worth R60) with your Mr. Gay South Africa™ Computicket ticket
For the non clubbers : At Al Bar – your cozy gay bar in Hatfield.
Audience Prize : Trip for two to Zanzibar, Dar Es Salaam and the Serengeti – value R50 000
Calendar : The all new, sizzling hot calendar of the finalists will be on sale – limited edition
Program : Full color A5 program will be available at the door
The morning after : Brunch with the winner – Casta Divas Boutique Hotel – (see website for details)
The night before : Dinner with the finalists – Orange Restaurant, Court Classique Boutique Hotel –
Only 40 seats available to meet the finalists – see website for details
Juan Lerm, Director Operations said: “Ticket sales have exceeded all our exceptions, with tickets selling very quickly, so to avoid disappointment book your ticket/s to witness the hottest event this year, with prizes in excess of R400 000; this is without question the richest male pageant in South African history. Come and join us and rub shoulders with the Who’s who in SA and support your favorite finalist”
It doesn’t get better than this! Get out the best outfit, bring together your most glamorous friends and come party with us! And let us celebrate our lives!
at 12:58 PMDrawn up by : Coenie Kukkukk
Contact person : Juan
Contact tel : 0828545725
E-Mail address : juan@mrgaysouthafrica.co.za
Media Accreditation: : coenie@mrgaysouthafrica.co.za
Web address : http://www.mrgaysouthafrica.co.za/
Date: : 27.10.09
Mr. Gay South Africa™
The Grand Finale of Mr. Gay South Africa™ :
The Hostess: Cathy Specific

Who's that girl? If you're somewhat puzzled by the identity of that voluptuous air-hostess (boasting calves of steel and dressed in a baby blue uniform) that you might have spotted at a posh function or cabaret show, wonder no more: That outrageously imposing blonde woman is none-other than Cathy Specific, a flight attendant and stage performer extraordinaire. Cathy is also the star and co-writer of the musical comedy revue show, Mile High with Cathy Specific.
(Read more about Cathy here: http://www.cathyspecific.co.za/about.cfm)

Jason Greer was introduced to the events and entertainment industry in 2000 when he worked as an entertainment coordinator for the Rand Show. After a successful three years with this iconic event he had the opportunity, amongst other things,to work at MonteCasino as a Promotions MC.In the eight years since, Jason has worked as an MC and in the field of event production, and has learnt that no job is without its pressures and demands. These are the challenges he thrives on when taking an event to its successful conclusion.Having left SABC 3 at the end of March 2009, Jason can now be seen as one of the new faces on the M-Net new entertainment show, All Access, broadcast every Thursday night at 7.30pm. Fortunately, this still lends him time to continue to be actively involved in marketing and entertainment solutions with The ProduXion House. On top of this he has appeared in numerous TV commercials, corporate videos and done many voice-overs and in his spare time, Jason is as an accomplished trainer on AutoCAD, an architectural design programme.(Read more about Jason here: http://www.jasongreer.co.za/)
The Diva: Judy Page

Judy Page is a true-blue South African musical theatre Legend who’s played some of the stage’s most memorable roles - from Dolly Levi to Roxie Hart. Born in Zimbabwe, Judy first thought of making a career as a dancer, but she was persuaded to instead harness her singing talent. Moving to South Africa in the 1960’s she became a band vocalist and cabaret performer before breaking into musical theatre in the mid-70’s production of From Berlin to Broadway. She’s since appeared in countless stage musicals including The Sound of Music, The King and I and Mame.Those who thought that Chicago was first performed in South Africa in 2005, may be surprised to learn that Judy was our first local Roxie Hart in the 1977 production. She also played Mama Morton in a Port Elizabeth production in 2002.Her award winning career has included tributes to Brel, Sondheim, Piaf and Judy Garland, performing in Sun City extravaganzas and even a stint in the now cringe-inducing SABC Dallas-wannabe soap series Westgate in the 80’s. Most recently she performed as Golde in last year’s Fiddler on the Roof.(Read more about Judy here: http://www.mambaonline.com/article.asp?artid=1677)
The Crooner: Timothy Moloi

Timothy Moloi is one of South Africa’s most extraordinary and yet up till now, unsung talents. With his smooth-as-velvet voice and masterful range, Moloi is an established and formidable singer with a talent that ranks up amongst the all-time greats. Highly revered and respected by his singing peers, Timothy has shared stages with some of the country’s finest acts, performed at some of the most prestigious events and been highly active in the music world, yet he has managed to remain, for the most part, out of the public eye. However, all that is destined to change with the 2009 release of his debut solo album through Thatch Music.
(Read more about Tim here: http://www.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.thatchmusic.com%2Ftimothymoloi%2Findex.php%3Ffuseaction%3Dmain.page%26pageid%3D2&h=1ab8c284cadcac5bb00e3b729e4d8457 )
The Director: Anne Williams

With over 30 years experience in television direction & production, Anne Williams is a familiar name & face in the South African entertainment industry as a multi-camera live broadcast director & producer - as well as a radio & television presenter.She was raised and educated in Grahamstown and holds a BA degree (Rhodes) in English and Speech & Drama. She is also a graduate teacher (Associate & Licenciate) of Trinity College, London.Recipient of 2 Artes Awards, 2 Star Tonight Awards, an NTVA Award and 10 award nominations, her work includes: Miss South Africa '94, '95, '96, Miss World '94, '95, '96, Opening & Closing Ceremonies All Africa Games, Aida, World Dancesport Latin Championships, A Night to Remember in the presence of her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II and HRH The Duke of Edinburgh, Jean Michel Jarre at Sun City, Paul Simon Live, Woman of the Year Awards and a WORD or 2.Anne is also known for her on-camera presentation in the early days of television - she was one of the very first "faces" of TV1 Continuity and presented "Silhouette", "Video 2", "A to Z" and various other magazine programmes.As a voice artist she is currently heard on SAfm in her own entertainment & media slots.(Read more about Anne here: http://www.tvsa.co.za/actorprofile.asp?actorid=4246)
The Stars:
The sixteen men chosen around South Africa who may qualify as:
THE ULTIMATE GAY MALE - a gay man of impeccable character, taste and style – and of course – a temple of a body to house these admirable qualities. A candidate of whom the LGBTI community – in all it’s diversity – can be proud of.
Who will the winner be?
The venue: The Opera House, State Theatre, Pretoria.
The date: Saturday, 28 November 2009 ... Doors open at 7 pm, show at 8 pm.
Juan Lerm, Director Operations said: “Tickets are now on sale at Computicket – and selling like hotcakes. Be early to avoid loosing out!”
Easy booking: click here:
Drawn up by : Coenie Kukkukk
Contact person : Juan
Contact tel : 0828545725
E-Mail address : juan@mrgaysouthafrica.co.za
Media Accreditation: : coenie@mrgaysouthafrica.co.za
Web address : http://www.mrgaysouthafrica.co.za/
Tuesday, October 20, 2009 at 8:16 AM
it promises to be THE event to start the summer...and what better way to do so than opening our hearts and supporting a worthy cause.....one that impacts us ALL, across world, in such a serious manner!! so get out your diaries and make sure you put this sown, on the 5Th of November 2009, at Adam And Eve Lounge, in the heart of the PINK BLOCK!
Come and hear two outstanding DIVAS in song as they promise to take you back and make it an evening to remember!
oh, and lets not forget the AMAZING prizes up for auction.....
a flight for 4 ppl, with sparkling wine, over the Peninsula,
a Shark Cage Dive off the beautiful coast of Gansbaai for two,
a 2 night stay for two ppl at the Prestigious The Glen Boutique Hotel
a make over and portfolio all done by make up artist, hairstylist and photographer, Reno Horn
underwear form Designer Craig Port
so get your pens out, and make a date!!
chat latta
if you guys have any queries pls call me on 073 175 1888
Sunday, October 18, 2009 at 1:07 PMContact person : Juan
Contact tel : 0828545725
E-Mail address : juan@mrgaysouthafrica.co.za
Web address : www.mrgaysouthafrica.co.za
Mr. Gay South Africa™
Cocktails anyone?
Boys, Boys and more Boys…
How about having cocktails and brunch with the newly crowned Mr. Gay South Africa™ 2009? And the two runner-ups?
How about having cocktails and brunch with some of the finalists of the Mr. Gay South Africa™ Competition?
How about having cocktails and brunch with VIP’s such as Mr. Brian Merriman, Director for Africa, Mr. Gay World? And other celebrities?
How about having cocktails and brunch with some fabulously famous people in fabulous surrounds?
Well – now you can!
Place : The majestic Casta Diva Boutique Hotel in Pretoria
Date : 29 November 2009
Time : 10H00
Entrance : R100 per person incl. welcome drink, brunch and live entertainment –
cocktails extra
PLUS : Sculpture, Art and Photographic exhibition
Seating : Limited – please book early – reservations opens 15 October 2009.
Casta Diva Boutique Hotel is a majestic old Manor house in magnificent surrounds, lavish gardens, half Olympic size swimming pool, cosy theatre and so much more - with a beautiful history and beautifully renovated by Charles and his partner Alejandro. Accommodation is also available for after the pageant – please contact reservations at Casta Diva Boutique Hotel for more info. Their fine dining restaurant, Charisma is open to the public with one of the most exciting menus in Pretoria.
There will be photo opportunities with the finalists in attendance + the winner and runner-ups - a perfect time to mingle with a fabulous cocktail in hand to end the wonderful 2009 Mr. Gay South Africa™ Competition.
Looking forward to see you and yours at Casta Diva Boutique Hotel for cocktails and brunch! Do not forget – book early!
For more information contact me Juan on juan@mrgaysouthafrica.co.za
For Cocktails with the new crowned, Mr. Gay South Africa™, contact reservations at: (012) 542 4449
For accommodation enquiries, please contact reservations on (012) 542-4449 or info@castadiva.co.za
For more information on Casta Diva Boutique Hotel: www.castadiva.co.za
For any press and media accreditation: coenie@mrgaysouthafrica.co.za
TICKETS HAVE JUST GONE ON SALE FOR the Grand Finale of Mr. Gay South Africa for 2009 - it promises to be the biggest, most glitzy and glam event ever in the male pageant history in SA - with world-class entertainment ...
The venue:
The Opera House, State Theatre, Pretoria on 28 November 2009 ... Doors open at 7 pm, show at 8 pm.
Tickets on sale now at Computicket - click here:
Director Operations: Mr. Gay South Africa (Pty)Ltd
at 1:04 PMGrand Finale Audience Competition
By just being in the audience at the Grand Finale on 28 November 2009 at the Opera House of the State Theatre you can win this magnificent prize worth R50 000 sponsored by the Kempinski Hotels for two:
Two nights at the fabulous Kilimanjaro Hotel Kempinski in Dar es Salaam
Three nights at the tranquil Zamani Zanzibar Kempinski
Two nights at the ultra luxurious Bilila Lodge Kempinski in the Serengeti
Return airfares from Johannesburg
Internal domestic flights between the properties
Full board – Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner
1. You have to be at the Opera House on the night
2. You have to enter by sending the word “Kempinski” to juan@mrgaysouthafrica.co.za with your name and telephone number and occupation on or before 27 November 2009.
3. You are 18 years or older.
4. Prize not exchangeable for cash
Lazing on the Spice Island, leisurely cocktails in Dar es Salaam and game viewing in the Serengeti – heaven!
Have a look at their international portfolio: www.Kempinski.com with some of the best hotels in the world.
So book now at Computicket: http://www.computicket.com/web/event/mr_gay_south_africa/52122810/
And stand a chance to win this fabulous prize!!!
Wednesday, October 14, 2009 at 1:08 PMi really want to say i am VERY happy about Presedent Obama's call on the army to allow gay and lesbian people serving in the US Army to be loud and proud!!! its a step closer to equality for all hey!!
and well done to those who attended the march!!! if we dont speak out, we wont get heard!!!!
Monday, October 12, 2009 at 12:31 PMhope you have been doing really well!!
Its been a while, but lots have happened in the past two weeks!! We have received our invitations to the public, to invite you all to attend 'THE GRAND AFFAIR", the final round of the Mr Gay South Africa competition!
So i have posted the invitation on my blog! Go take a look at it and get your ticket at the nearest Computicket! It promises to be an evening of glitz and glam...fit for a king....or a QUEEN mind you! (hehehehe)
A Beautiful Stand We Made!
Saturday, September 26, 2009 at 3:16 PMas i told you all in my previous post, i attended an Anti-homophobic rally this week at Beaulah Bar where i was interviewed on radio and asked a very interesting question.....
it got me thinking about where we are as a nation with regards to this topic. i read an article in the Mail and Guardian about Pastor Ray McCauley and his involvement with Pres. Zuma in trying to change legislation concerning abortion and same sex marriages. i became rather concerned, as I'm sure most of you did, as the very laws that served to protect us as a people were threatened by the very people whom we put our trust in to rule our country. i also read in The Heat Magazine (not that i read Heat that often...kinda just browse through.....and not that there is anything wrong with Heat...we all like a bit of 'skinner' news from time to time...lol) how 18000 people joined a group on facebook in protest to a kiss which happened on one of our day- time soaps between two men...Are people still sooo intolerant to those different from them? is there still a serious threat to our constitution by people who serve only their own interests?
is Homophobia STILL so rife in a country that boasts to have THE most liberal constitution in the world?
so why are some people out there still HOMOPHOBIC?
well, i had about a minute to think about this one....literally, and my answer?
Phobia, is a FEAR, and people Fear what they don't KNOW. it is sad that people only see a small part of what BEIN
as the 'good book' says...do unto others as you would have done unto you!
Thursday, September 24, 2009 at 9:56 AMits been about two weeks since i have done anything so i thought i would make up for it by giving my blog a NEW LOOK and some interesting news!!!
i am always amazed at how life works and how things turn out for the best, if you just allow space for development!!! sometimes WE tend to get in the way of the universe working its ways and so we get frustrated because nothing comes to fruition, when all along we simply needed to surrender to LIFE and let LIFE happen!
the past few weeks have been going really slow with arrangements concerning the fundraiser not seeming to get anywhere. i had sooo much on my mind with what i wanted to do, but thought about it so much that i never allowed it to grow on its own! until i was kindly reminded by two really awesome people that i needed to keep my focus on what the actual goal was. i realised once again that we can only do so much..then we need to surrender and let it grow. just like a child is unable to grow if its mother holds onto it, so our dreams and goals in life often get restricted, or even inhibited by our own efforts to ' hold on' to them.
so on Tuesday i went to have a meeting with Glen De Swart from HEALTH4MEN to chat about how the arrangements are going and what has been happening. he gave me a few tips on what i could do and whom i could speak to with regards to marketing and getting the idea out there!
he mentioned that i should get in touch with HEART104.9FM to see if they would be interested in getting involved, as well as speaking to the Dean of Cape Town to see if he would like to attend the event as a guest of honour. after a very successful meeting i left enthused once again...and with about two pages of homework...lol
i thought id drop by Beaula Bar to say hi to Myrna, the Owner, as i hadn't seen her for ages, and low and behold...there was HEART104.9FM busy setting up for a ANTI-HOMOPHOBIC RALLY to be held in a few minutes. and who was there to attend the rally and give his support...you guessed it...THE DEAN OF CAPE TOWN!!! suffice to say i was a bit gobsmacked!
anyways, long story short, i found myself involved at the rally. meeting new people, telling them about the fundraiser, including speaking with Rev Smith AND BEING INTERVIEWED ON RADIO DURING THEIR DRIVE TIME SHOW (at 17:10pm to be exact-lol)!!!!
I left with a big smile on my face, amazed again at how things work out and how, if you just let the universe take its course, it WILL work together with you to accomplish your dreams and goals!!!
so yea, just a word of encouragement to any of you out there who feel that things don't always go your way...just hang in there! allow life to take its course and don't resist the 'blessings' which come your way..they ARE there, you just need to see them, take the opportunity and run with it!!
till lata, adios!!!
just thought id give a quick update about whats happening on this side!
its week three of my mission to get body and mind into good shape again after a lOOOng absence from the gym, and i have to say, its going AWESOME!!!
i forgot how good it feels to be able to wake up early(and lately without an alarm might i add) and go to gym, knowing that im healthy, body, mind and soul!
its amazing how your perspective changes. the environment around you feels better, you feel 'lighter' and all of a sudden you have a new zest for life and all you want to do is just go out there and enjoy it!
as for the body....yep...its getting there! lol! i have told myself i want to resemble some sort of 'underwear model' by the time the competition comes around and so, in true sagitarian nature, im giving it my all! (you know how we saggies like to to things to the extreme!)
dont get me wrong...i miss a nice little bash, but for now, its focus focus focus!!! im sure there will be enough time to celebrate and have a ball!!! (and dont we know how to do just that girls!-lol)
as far as that fundraiser is concerned, things are looking good. Health4Men (the organization that the funds will be going to) are excited to be onboard! there are also two possible venues for the event, some DJ's that seem keen on giving of their time and now it is just to think of a theme for the night! so if any of you have suggestions, feel free to share!!!
anyway, watch this space, as ill be posting some new pics soon (just to show you boys that i REALLY am working hard) and ill also be giving you an update on how the planning for the fundraiser is going!!!
and now, i am done babbeling!
OMAR vs SATCHWELL: what's your ruling?
Friday, August 28, 2009 at 1:34 AMHere are some of his comments:
on behalf of his Society for the Protection of our Constitution he told the Judicial Service Commision: "learned Judge Satchwell's unconventional lifestyle is not something that the majority of South Africans can relate to. The majority of South Africans are God-fearing and follow some or other religion. there is no religion that condones homosexuality. therefore the majority portion of the South African people will not be able to identify with the learned judge".
he also commented that 'this learned judge does not have the maturity and discipline required to fulfil the office of a Constitutional Court'.
Mr Omar seems to forget that this Judge fought for the very Constitution that his 'society' protects. if it wasnt for activists like her, there would be no constitution to protect today.
if it wasnt for activists like her, we would not have the freedom of speech that he so 'freely' uses today and our constitution would not be based on democracy and equality for ALL.
what about the God -fearing people out there who are homosexual? does this mean we dont count? do we not also form part of South Africa? are we no longer good enough to serve in a democratic society? surely WE can relate to her.
and what about those South Africans who do NOT follow a religion of some sort? do we not count anymore?
as Human Rights Commision head Jody Kollapen said, 'these types of complaints undermine the very spirit of our constitution'.
my 'ruling is this: Omar, until you sit in the judges seat, keep your opinions, judgements and complaints to yourself! and dont forget those who fought before you for the foundation that you stand on today!
Friday, August 21, 2009 at 4:36 AMand its concerning Caster Semenya and the issue about her sexuality. after reading in today's newspaper about the extensive tests they wanna do to 'determine' her sexuality i was a bit shocked! apparently an examination could involve a gynaecologist, and a psycologist. not to mention possible genetic testing!
the same happened to Indian sprinter Santhi Soundarajan in 2006. after she was scrutinized by other teams she too underwent 'gender verification tests'. it was found that 'she does not possess the sexual characteristics of a woman', and she was stripped from her medal!
so what do you guys think about this?
how must she feel? im sure she knows her sexuality! is is it fair then to atrip her of her medal based on phsycoligical tests or genetic testing?
i want to hear hear your input!!!
at 4:15 AM
Welcome to my blog page. I’m Charl van den Berg, 27 and from Sea Point, Cape Town. I’m starting up this blog for some self promotion as a finalist in for the Mr. Gay South Africa competition.
Yeah, yeah I know what you’re thinking these beauty competitions are so narcissistic and just brainless wonder parading around in skimpy underwear working hard for that sash and sceptre. LOL! Believe me I’m not here for the glory of being South Africa’s Number 1 Moffie. I actually have a message and a sense of social responsibility that I’d like to share and winning this title will provide me with a great opportunity to contribute positively towards the South African gay community and hopefully to South Africa in general.
Although I’m painfully aware that as South Africa we have a Constitution that is based on sexual equality, I think our biggest obstacle to this equality is not what we perceive to be so called heterosexual prejudice. Our biggest obstacle to true equality is our own internal prejudice within the gay community.
I work as a manager at a gay friendly chain of restaurants. So you get to meet a wide range of people from varying creeds, orientations and races and you are certainly afforded an opportunity to realise just how diverse not only our country is, but also more specifically, how diverse the 'greater gay community' is. So I’m very often engaged in conversations from the frivolous ‘about what she is wearing’ or ‘the latest hunk d’jour’ and some serious concerns from Julius Malema and Manto, to homophobia and HIV Aids. But the topic that always gets my attention is our own internal prejudices amongst ourselves.
It baffles me that even in a minority group such as the gay community; there can still be division and prejudice. Yes, I said it: although it’s never spoken about in polite conversation we are still divided amongst lines of class, top or bottom, butch or meisle-like and especially colour. How can we ever make a stand in the world if we can’t even stand together?
So this is why I’ve started this blog. To get the gay community speaking openly about these issues and confronting, as painful as it may be, their own prejudices. So I hereby invite you to share your own experiences comments or thoughts and be actively involved and not just take a back seat to issues and challenge our own prejudices that many of us seem to do.
Apart from keeping you all updated on how the run up to the finals for Mr. Gay South Africa is going I would like for you to share some of your own experiences from day to day. It would be great to see what you guys and girls get up to, the issues that concern YOU in your own life and just day to day human experience.
Be kind to yourself and each other